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Buxton Summer Health & Healing Festival

8th & 9th June 2024

10am - 5pm

The Octagon Hall
Buxton Pavilions
St Johns Road
SK17 6BE

Adult £6.00
Concession £5.00
Child (Under 16) Free
Adult Weekend £11.00
Conc Weekend £9.00

Get your event tickets here. Our larger events have a dedicated fast track entry line, so save time getting in to the fantastic events.

Talks & Workshop Schedule

Our Talks and workshops are free to attend (included in entry price), simply arrive at the time of your chosen talk and find a free seat.

Zone A (Marquee)

Saturday 8th June

Talks room

10.30am - Kerrie Short - Cord Cutting Ritual

Are you struggling to let go of a personal relationship or situation and feel stuck and unable to move forward in life? We create an energetic 'cord' or bond with everyone we meet. When it's time to move on from certain relationships that no longer serve us, an energetic imprint of that person can remain within our energy field. Join us to learn more about how we can break free from these bonds, reclaim our energy, promote healing and move towards

11.30am - Adele's Crystals -Protection with Crystals

We are going to talk about 2 crystals we can use to protect ourselves from negativity of the world around us, how they help ground and focus our energy so we can stay protected.

We shall also be holding a manifestation using the crystals within the talk as well

12.45pm - Daughters of Gaia

Join Buxton's amazing Barbara Meiklejohn-Free and Flavia Kate Peters as they bring you a selection of their favorite Daughter of Gaia songs. Easing you into this 40min musical set with their more gental musical numbers, finishing with more of the upbeat tracks. Plenty of audience participation or you can sit back relax and take it all in.  Not to be missed.

13.30pm - Mel Foot - Essential Oils, Natures Natural Healers

Essential Oils have been around for thousands of years so why don’t people understand what they are and what uses they have in our daily lives. In my talk I will explain the uses of Essential Oils, the Do’s and Dont’s, and how they have helped me overcome my issues plus which oils help with mental health, anxiety, depression sleep and more. Find out what oils help with inflammation and pain and how best to use them. Essential Oils are becoming more popular as an alternative to mainstream drugs, especially since Covid. Most people who listen to my talk have felt the benefits of using Essential Oils so maybe you can to!

14.30pm - Amy Elizabeth - The Positivity Pack

Join healer, spiritual trailblazer, medium and 6 times mindset & well-being author Amy Elizabeth, as she helps us raise our vibration, awareness and consciousness. Amy brings you unbridled  levels of energy and passion to help you unlock your full potential, understand who you are and what makes your heart sing - helping you to live a joyful life, thinking more deeply and growing fully into your best self way beyond the 3D.

15.30pm - Patricia - Mediumship Demonstration

Join the renowned Patricia Brooks as she brings you messages from loved ones in this amazing demonstration of mediumship.

16.15pm - Sound Healing Bath & Cacao Ceremony      £15per person

 Congeries of Sound & Amazonite Griffin  


This workshop will finish after the event hall has closed. Re-entry will not be possible.

An hour of soul connection with Congeries of Sound and Amazonite Griffin.

Cacao and sound bath ceremonies have been around from Aztec times, beginning with taking Cacao, a drink made from Cacao powder. The raw milled bean which would ultimately become chocolate. The drink is prepared by Amazonite Griffin over several hours, nurturing it, preparing it ready for ceremony. 

In the ceremony you will set your intentions, connecting to the heart visualising where you want to see yourself in the future followed by a guided meditation for empowerment to enhance these energies affirming your intention. This is followed with a sound bath to expand the energy and bringing you in to full alignment once more strengthening your intentions for the future.

Sound baths help you connect with your senses, clear energy blockages, balance your emotions, and elevate your frequency through the healing power of sound and vibrations. Sound baths stimulate alpha waves in our brain which re-calibrate our cells and allow us to shift into a deep state of relaxation, coherence, and harmony. Sound baths operate on a mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual dimension, allowing us to purify any dissonant energies and center deeply into ourselves.


You'll walk away from this workshop grounded, protected, empowered and balanced. A workshop not to be missed.


Spaces are limited, pre-booking is advise to avoid disappointment.


Saturday 8th June 2024
Zone B (Stage)

10.45am - Lisa Lochhead - Restoring the ancient Arts of the Feminine

Join visionary artist, oracle creator and author Lisa Lochhead as she introduces you to the transformative power of engaging the cyclical with the support of her oracle system called Art of the Sacred Wheel.

Lisa shares about living in tune with the cyclical frequencies of nature and the return to Feminine Essence. Supporting you to consciously engage these cyclical Arts of the Feminine as a spiritual practice and helping you to align with the depths of your soul, to trust its voice and to rest into moving with the unseen beauty of the heart.

In this interactive talk, Lisa will be sharing transformational ways for deepening your connection to your soul voice.

11.45am - Peter Loy - The Tarot Key – Unlocking the mystery of the tarot deck.

In this workshop Peter will share with you, the key to successfully and rapidly learning all seventy-eight cards of the traditional Tarot deck, unlocking the secrets they hold, and opening the door to intuitive readings.

12.45pm - Helen Scott - Super Nature.

Journey through the Super Nature Essences. A healing meditation journey experiencing the vibrations of the Super Nature Essence Space and Aura Sprays.

13.45pm - Tavi, The Hemp Man - Exploring the Wellness Frontier

In our quest for optimal health and wellbeing, we often look beyond conventional medicine, exploring the realm of natural supplements. This talk delves into three intriguing options: CBD, medicinal mushrooms, and Shilajit, each offering unique benefits for a holistic approach to wellness.

14.45pm - Svahj Wellbeing – The importance of physical and spiritual health.

Living in a world of unprecedented conflict and change we are faced with questions around all aspects of our existence. People of the day are in a state of distress both within and from the outer world. We are facing challenges in our relationships, our health and our environment. Old structures in society are crumbling and a new paradigm is emerging. People are waking up to the realisation that there is very little lasting comfort from their
external environment and are turning within to look for peace and contentment bringing about an awakening and acceptance of ancient knowledge and spiritual powers. Learn how we help you benefit from physical and spiritual harmony to gain optimal wellbeing through our Alternative Therapies and the Mystical powers of a supernatural human. Join us for a magical experience and benefit from the energy in the room.

15.45pm - Amy Elizabeth - Connect With Your Guides  - £10per person

Join Amy Elizabeth, medium, healer, author and spiritual trailblazer as you learn a skill set enabling you to go beyond the 3D and attune to and connect with spirit and your guides. Receive channeled messages from them and apply these messages directly to the here and now to help self-guide and move forward on your own spiritual pathway of light.



Spaces are limited, pre-booking is advise to avoid disappointment.


Sunday 9th June

Sunday Talks

Zone A (Marquee)

10.30am - Gently Stirred - Taking Control Of Your Health & Wellbeing With          Herbal Teas

Why drink herbal teas, and what are infusions, tisanes & teas? Do you suffer from General Adaption Syndrome, but are unaware? We discuss what herbs are recommended to ease fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety & brain fog.

11.30am - Alison Dean - Trust in Spirit Book Reclaim life and Transcend

Do you want to know what life will be like in Spirit? Learn about what you will being doing in spirit when you leave your earthly body. Did you know you do not die life carries on in spirit. Join me and listen to what many spirits from all walks of life have to say about many subjects around life on earth and in spirit.

12.30pm - Stephanie King - Connecting With Your Higher Self

Do you know how wonderful you are? Do you realise you have talents and gifts way beyond those you presently know? In this workshop we can help you fine tune your connection - not only with your own higher self but with those working through you unseen - helping, guiding and creating with you as your life unfolds. As always in her talks, this session will be powerful - so ensure you eat before you come to keep yourself balanced and well.

13.30pm - Buckso (Energy Coach & Speaker) - Diamond Star Quantum Healing

Are you ready to embark on a new trans-formative, guided journey of healing and self discovery? Look no further! The Diamond Star Quantum Healing Group Session, led by Buckso, is here to take you towards a state of balance, harmony, and inner radiance.

14.45pm - Rafael - Mediumship Demonstration

In a demonstration of mediumship, Spirit (through Rafael) bring through proof that the Soul is eternal and continues on after physical death. Passing on messages from Loved ones in the higher side of life. Using a very direct and no nonsense approach, Spirit (through Rafael) bring through evidence that we are not alone showing us they are always with us.

15.30pm - Julia Cornelius - Crystal Pendulums

Crystal Pendulums for divination, healing and alchemy. Release limitations and Anchor your success with Pendulum Alchemy.

Sunday 9th June 2024
Zone B (Stage)

10.45am - David Mitchell - Himalayan Singing Bowls

Join David from Avaja for a introductory talk on Himalayan singing bowls. Find out about their history, what there used for, how they are made and how to choose and play one.

11.45am - John Richardson - Activate the relaxation response

In this talk John will show you how to activate The Relaxation Response to lower blood pressure and protect yourself from Heart attacks and Strokes... The product of constant stress. John himself has been a Stage Hypnotist and Holistic Hypnotherapist for many years, treating clients with Emotional, Anxiety, and Nervous Disorders: Fears Phobias and Panic Attacks... which are just a few of the symptoms that respond well to good hypnotherapy practice... and the importance of relaxation in our everyday life... along with his usual informative facts, anecdotes, and fun which accompany all his MBS talks

12.45pm - Debbie Webster - Art to Inspire

Join Debbie for this unique insight in to her art and how she uses energies to produce her paintings. Debbie will use a bell to clear the energies of the room and the audience and then invite new energies in and use them to create a new painting in front of the audience. This is a demonstration not to be missed!

13.45pm - Tavi, The Hemp Man - Exploring the Wellness Frontier

In our quest for optimal health and wellbeing, we often look beyond conventional medicine, exploring the realm of natural supplements. This talk delves into three intriguing options: CBD, medicinal mushrooms, and Shilajit, each offering unique benefits for a holistic approach to wellness.

14.45pm - Craig Martin - Folklore & Folklore Magic Charms

An introduction into the magical  folklore of plants and animals within the UK.  How they are expressed in folk magic and people's everyday lives, along with their importance as part of folk magic charms.

15.45pm - HypnoBath      £15per person

 Congeries of Sound & John Richardson


An hour of soul connection with Congeries of Sound and John Richardson.

This is a rare opportunity to experience healing of the highest potency… First there will be a brief introduction to hypnosis and sound healing, thereafter John will gently take you into hypnosis allowing the mind to open and become highly receptive to the amazing sound healing conducted by Darren.

This will be an amazing opportunity to receive healing whilst experiencing a deep state of relaxation.


Sound baths help you connect with your senses, clear energy blockages, balance your emotions, and elevate your frequency through the healing power of sound and vibrations. Sound baths stimulate alpha waves in our brain which re-calibrate our cells and allow us to shift into a deep state of relaxation, coherence, and harmony. Sound baths operate on a mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual dimension, allowing us to purify any dissonant energies and center deeply into ourselves.



You'll walk away from this workshop grounded, protected, empowered and balanced. A workshop not to be missed.


Spaces are limited, pre-booking is advise to avoid disappointment.


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