Sat, 29 Jun
|University of Derby
Derby Mind Body Spirit & Wellbeing Weekend
We are back home! We are back at the popular Derby University for this event.
Time & Location
29 Jun 2019, 10:00 – 30 Jun 2019, 17:00
University of Derby, Kedleston Rd, Derby DE22 1GB, UK
About the event
All talks are included in the admission price. Tickets can be purchased below or on the door on the day.
Talks—Saturday 29th June—Room 1
Rose Best: Shamanic Storytelling with Drum Rose combines the art of story telling with the beat of the drum. Drum resonates with the beat of heart, it is a sound bath helping transcend to other realms. Drum helps us dream, it takes us out of everyday reality, it helps break through old patterns and helps us imagine stepping into new ones. Storytelling connects us to our humanity, it links us to our past and provides a glimpse of our future. Storytelling is how we understand the chaos of human existence. It provides shape and meaning, it is our legacy leaving a mark on the world. If we understand our story, we can make magical changes, rewriting and reshaping our story, moving forward, gaining strength and control over the new actions we chose to take.
Jackie Townsend of Leomoon Astrology “Snapshot of the Heavens” - discover how the planetary energies in your individual astrological birth chart provide a blueprint of your true purpose, identity and life path.
James Coulson from The Healthy Gut Club Join me as I share my knowledge from healing my own Crohn's disease to help other heal there digestive problems and autoimmune conditions. Retailer of the life changing herbal blend Qenda Ultimate Fibre.
John Richardson - hypnosis: past life regression and invoking the power of the mind to heal... John’s fascinating demonstration shows you why hypnosis is nothing to fear! John Richardson has been a professional stage and clinical hypnotherapist for many years and his talks and demonstrations are packed with information and fun... Yes fun! You will soon see the be nefits of hypnosis and how hypnotherapy can help you... Yes you!
Alison Dean - The powerful and healing world of Runes - You will get a chance to pick out the Rune symbol that speaks to you and understand what it means. Take a look at the mystic world of the rune symbols and understanding the many benefits they can provide us with from grounding, protection to healing illness and emotional trauma. Runes have been with us from the late bronze age (circa1300 BC) and you can Learn how you can use runes to help you in your everyday life. Having a one to one reading with runes and find out just how much it can tell you.
Patricia Brooks - Patricia Brooks - Mediumship Demonstration This demonstration of mediumistic and psychic ability will amaze you, enabling many folk to realise there is no such thing as death, just another way of living. You will leave this talk feeling uplifted and happy in the knowledge that your loved ones that have passed over are still around you, guiding many of your moves with loving tenderness and much care.
Talks—Saturday 29th June—Room 2
Nicola Dax - Essential oils and how they can improve health and provide balance. I will explain why I choose to use Young Living oils and what sets them apart from other essential oils.
Heidi Cooke - I've been working with spirit for over 17 years now, I'm still learning each and every day and love what I do. I will be explaining a bit about how I came to work with spirit, my guides and give a short demonstration of my work with those from beyond our world, to let you know that they're still with you, supporting and guiding you each moment
Esther Killen- Basics of witchcraft join me as I lead you through the history and basic practise of modern day witchcraft, plus a practise ritual to give you the groundwork to get started on your path.
Oraphim - The Nobel Prize winning molecule only found in nature is in the stone Shungite, come and hear why we call it 'The Miracle Molecule' and learn why using shungite water for drinking, cooking, bathing is so beneficial and cost effective (it clears chlorine, toxins, bacteria, it restructures, removes antioxidants, remineralises, lowers the surface tension for better hydration and cellular cleansings & adds healing fullerenes) Also Using Shungite for reversing the electromagnetic fields in the home environment & on mobile devices is easy with Oraphims Shungite stickers and Beautiful jewellery too!
Performances—Saturday 29th June—Performance Area
Healing Forest - Relaxing Native American Music
Chakra Dancing and Creative Mindful Meditation. Chakra Dancing is a wonderful moving meditation to music. It is relaxing and fun at the same time and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and physical ability. Creative mindful meditation is deeply relaxing and relieves stress. This is a unique dance experience that takes you on a powerful yet gentle journey through your chakras to balance your energies and relieve tension and stress, leaving you feeling refreshed and focused. Meditation combined with dance is a perfect combination for creating well-being and relaxation. Great fun and a good alternative for anyone who finds traditional meditation somewhat of a challenge. Chakra Dancing is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness and physical ability. There are no set moves. Just feel the music and express yourself in your own, unique way. You can find further information on Chakra Dancing at www.chakradancing.co.uk.
Talks—Sunday 30th June—Room 1
Paul - Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Acupressureist Paul will be doing a a guided meditation. To create healing of the physical mental and emotional self. Relax whilst he takes you on a journey of healing. Enjoy the time to recharge and relax your mind and body. Awake feeling refreshed and ready to continue your day.
Janey of Silvermoon Crystals- Crystals for the rest of us - Janey's talk is for everyone who has ever visited a crystal supplier and felt overwhelmed by the massive choice and variety, or unsure of what they need and where to start, Delivered with her usual warmth and good humour, her talk is guaranteed to entertain as well as clearing up some myths. Whilst Janey does not claim to know everything (who does?) her knowledge gained by nearly 2 decades working with crystals is evident.
John Richardson - hypnosis: past life regression and invoking the power of the mind to heal... John’s fascinating demonstration shows you why hypnosis is nothing to fear! John Richardson has been a professional stage and clinical hypnotherapist for many years and his talks and demonstrations are packed with information and fun... Yes fun! You will soon see the benefits of hypnosis and how hypnotherapy can help you... Yes you!
The inner child is a vital part of you that should be nurtured and treasured. Any unresolved inner child issues can profoundly impact your adult life choices, happiness and success. Taoist monk, and internationally respected therapist, coach and meditation teacher, David James Lees, shares his unique teachings on the inner child and insights from 40 years of inner child therapy work. You’ll discover:
- The powerful Taoist spiritual teaching on the inner child and why it is NOT your enemy or separate from you.
- How childhood events can ‘lock in’ the energy of your inner child so that you carry them into adulthood.
- How to spot when your blocked inner child is affecting your mindset, emotions and actions.
- How to communicate with, guide and heal your inner child so that together you can become a formidable team.
- Tips for practising compassionate self-discipline to help you educate and mature your inner child.
In this interactive and dynamic workshop session, David will be inviting volunteers from the audience to share their personal questions, challenges and blocks, and be coached using David’s Taoist Golden Thread Process.
CBD and what you need to know with Spirit Earth CBD - What is CBD and why is it seen as the miracle product?. We’ll take a look at where it comes from, it’s history and usage and the law surrounding it. We’ll also look at the many products that are available, from oils, balms and sprays to bath salts. Dave from Spirit Earth CBD will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Jane Osborne - Past Life Regression - Taster of a past live regression mediation taking you to a happy memory of a past life. How past lives can help heal today using quantum healing and beyond.
Talks—Sunday 30th June—Room 2
Pat Pitt - The Power of Colour. Pat will look at how colour affects our everyday lives and how you can use colour to affect you and others.
India Jo—Mediumship Demonstration
How to mend a broken heart...
What would it mean to you to be happy? What are you still searching for? Why can't you find love?
How do you keep love when you find it? Join Soulpreneur (TM) Stephanie J. King to find answers to
take you towards your love goals.... www.stephaniejking.com
Heather Smith - A new world in the making, Sharing is the key. The presence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the return of the Masters of Wisdom to the everyday World.
Performances—Sunday 30th June—Performance Area
Healing Forest - Relaxing Native American Music
Chakra Dancing and Creative Mindful Meditation.
Chakra Dancing is a wonderful moving meditation to music. It is relaxing and fun at the same time and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and physical ability. Creative mindful meditation is deeply relaxing and relieves stress. This is a unique dance experience that takes you on a powerful yet gentle journey through your chakras to balance your energies and relieve tension and stress, leaving you feeling refreshed and focused. Meditation combined with dance is a perfect combination for creating well-being and relaxation. Great fun and a good alternative for anyone who finds traditional meditation somewhat of a challenge. Chakra Dancing is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness and physical ability. There are no set moves. Just feel the music and express yourself in your own, unique way. You can find further information on Chakra Dancing at www.chakradancing.co.uk.
Alison Dean
Aura Interpretations
Banyan Organics
Chakra Dancing
Chandu Solanki
Crystal Reconnections
Delta Direct
Earth Magic
Ethically Gifted
Feathers from Albion
Forever Living
Heather Wood
Heidi Cooke
India Jo
Ius Vitae
Jacqui De Rose
Jane Osborne
John Richardson
Judy Sturgis
Keith Howes
Leomoon Astrology
Maddogg Designs
Marie Griffith
Mark Aston
Mike Maguire
Natural Healing Therapy
Pat Pitt
Patricia Brooks
Psychic Tarot by Angela
Rick Paul
Rose Best
Sense the Senses
Share International
Shine with Ali
Silvermoon Crystals
Soul Sisters
Spirit Earth
Spirit Earth Books
Spirit Earth CBD
Spiritual Creations
Stephanie King
The Gut Health Club
The Healing Forest
The Oil Well
Trish Cook
Woodland Trust
Working For Wildlife
Tickets can be purchased below or on the door on the day.
1 Day Adult - Saturday
1 Day Adult ticket. Saturday 29th June 2019.
£4.75Sale ended1 Day Concession - Saturday
1 Day Concession ticket. Saturday 29th June 2019. The following are classed as concession. Proof will be required upon entry with your receipt. Pensioners Unemployed Disabled Carers Students NHS Staff Armed Forces Veterans
£3.75Sale ended1 Day Adult - Sunday
1 Day Adult ticket. Sunday 30th June 2019.
£4.75Sale ended1 Day Concession - Sunday
1 Day Concession ticket. Sunday 30th June 2019. The following are classed as concession. Proof will be required upon entry with your receipt. Pensioners Unemployed Disabled Carers Students NHS Staff Armed Forces Veterans
£3.75Sale ended2 Day Adult
2 Day Adult ticket. Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June 2019.
£8.50Sale ended2 Day Concession
2 Day Concession ticket. Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June 2019. The following are classed as concession. Proof will be required upon entry with your receipt. Pensioners Unemployed Disabled Carers Students NHS Staff Armed Forces Veterans
£6.50Sale ended