28th & 29th Sept 2024
Adult £8.00
Adult Weekend £15.00
Child (Under 16) Free
Concorde Conference Centre
Wilmslow Old Road
WA15 8XQ
Who are we? What are we?
Andrew Harby
Are we just avatars on this planet or are we so much more to us. Come and see how we are
connected to the universe through the stars the planets the vibration that surrounds us.
Learn how unique we are how we are holograms and we are just walking data of our being-ness. so who are we really.
The power of Presence
Dave Green
Most people have come across the book the Power of NOW but have you realised its biggest flaw? Being in the now and being present are two very different concepts - but both are important for you to be successful and manifest what it is you want and break old patterns. In this workshop we shall investigate this concept and give you concrete practical ways to change and break free from old patterns and habits which hold you back in life and in your spiritual growth. I will be blending psychological and spiritual techniques to make it accessible to all.
May contain strong language
Protection with Crystals
Adele Scott
We are going to talk about 2 crystals we can use to protect ourselves from negativity of the world around us, how they help ground and focus our energy so we can stay protected. We shall also be holding a manifestation using the crystals within the talk as well.
The Positivity Pack
Amy Elizabeth
Join healer, spiritual trailblazer, medium and 6 times mindset & well-being author Amy Elizabeth, as she helps us raise our vibration, awareness and consciousness. Amy brings you unbridled levels of energy and passion to help you unlock your full potential, understand who you are and what makes your heart sing - helping you to live a joyful life, thinking more deeply and growing fully into your best self way beyond the 3D.
Holographic Healing & Light Language
Felix Hyde
Understanding the holographic fields and how to heal through them with the use of energetic streaming and Light language, what is it, and how do we speak it.
Mediumship Demonstration
In a demonstration of mediumship, Spirit (through Rafael) bring through proof that the Soul is eternal and continues on after physical death. Passing on messages from Loved ones in the higher side of life. Using a very direct and no nonsense approach, Spirit (through Rafael) bring through evidence that we are not alone showing us they are always with us
Connecting with your higher self
Stephanie King
Do you know how wonderful you are? Do you realise you have talents and gifts way beyond those you presently know? In this workshop we can help you fine tune your connection – not only with your own higher self but with those working through you unseen – helping, guiding and creating with you as your life unfolds. As always in her talks, this session will be powerful – so ensure you eat before you come to keep yourself balanced and well.
Introduction to Singing Bowls
David Mitchell
Join David from Avaja for a introductory talk on Himalayan singing bowls. Find out about their history, what there used for, how they are made and how to choose and play one.
Crystal Pendulums
Julia Cornelius
Crystal Pendulums for divination, healing and alchemy. Release limitations and Anchor your
Success with Pendulum Alchemy.
Working with the magic of the moon
Magikal Echoes
Do you want to learn how to synchronise your life with the cycle of the moon? Come join Niki as we talk through the different phases and how you can incorporate healing and manifesting into your daily life and of course, which crystals to help you too!
May contain strong language
Essential Oils, Natures Natural Healers
Mel Foot
Essential Oils have been around for thousands of years so why don’t people understand what they are and what uses they have in our daily lives. In my talk I will explain the uses of Essential Oils, the Do’s and Dont’s, and how they have helped me overcome my issues plus which oils help with mental health, anxiety, depression sleep and more. Find out what oils help with inflammation and pain and how best to use them. Essential Oils are becoming more popular as an alternative to mainstream drugs, especially since Covid. Most people who listen to my talk have felt the benefits of using Essential Oils so maybe you can to!
Psychic Protection 101
Claire Stone
Discover how to shield, strengthen and clear your psychic energy with Claire Stone.
During this presentation we will be diving into the following topics: Invoking Protection, Protective Herbs and Crystals, Apotropaic symbols, magick and traditions of British Isles, Energy Vampires, Black Magick & Banishing.
If time permits there will be a Q&A on any of the above topics.
Art to Inspire
Debbie Webster
Join Debbie for this unique insight in to her art and how she uses energies to produce her paintings. Debbie will use a bell to clear the energies of the room and the audience and then invite new energies in and use them to create a new painting in front of the audience. This is a demonstration not to be missed!
Connect with your Spirit Guides
2.45pm - £10.00 per person
Amy Elizabeth
Join Amy Elizabeth, medium, healer, author and spiritual trailblazer as you learn a skill set enabling you to go beyond the 3D and attune to and connect with spirit and your guides. Receive channeled messages from them and apply these messages directly to the here and now to help self-guide and move forward on your own spiritual pathway of light.
Past Life, Cacao & Sound Bath Experience
4.00pm - £20.00 per person
John Richardson, Congeries of Sound & Amazonite Griffin
Experience a journey into your past with our Past Life Cacao Sound Bath. Let the soothing sounds of the cacao and the vibrations of the sound bath take you on meditative journey to explore your past lives. Join us for a unique transformative experience.
How Immersive Meditation Can Change
Your Life
Joe Mugan
More than just being present, more than just reducing stress, more than just resetting to carry on with your day, meditation can transform your life forever. Joe will show you how Immersive Meditation can rewire your brain to work with you and propel your life in the
direction you seek.
Spiritual Self Destruction and how to break it
Dave Green
Most people know of emotional or ego based self destruction - but are you aware of how you self sabotage on the spiritual layer? In this talk I shall explore the ways spirit and personality are interconnected, and how to understand on what layer of energy you are creating success and in which you are limiting your own growth. We shall be exploring the fear/pleasure principle of spirituality and how it often keeps us one step away from truly opening up our spiritual or magical gifts - as well as helping with personal and emotional behavioral issues.
May contain strong language
Ayurveda Healing System
Dr Nair
Dr Nair is an Ayurveda practitioner from India, hailing from a family tradition of vaidya (physicians). His product range of herbal oils, Ayurveda teas and pain relief oils are informed by his extensive experience in Indian medical systems such as Ayurveda and Marma practices
Daughters of Gaia - The Chilled Sessions
Barbara Meikle John-Free & Flavia Kate Peters
Join us on a delightful musical journey and experience the iconic songs of Barbara & Flavia. Enjoy a wonderful collection of their soothing tracks, including Mother I Feel You, Spirit Visions, and Tall Trees.
The Tarot Key – Unlocking the mystery of
the tarot deck
Peter Loy
In this workshop Peter will share with you, the key to successfully and rapidly learning all
seventy-eight cards of the traditional Tarot deck, unlocking the secrets they hold, and
opening the door to intuitive readings.
Demonstration of Mediumship
Alison Dean
Join Alison as she brings you messages and guidance from loved ones in this fantastic
demonstration of mediumship.
Exploring the Wellness Frontier
Tavi - The Hemp Man
In our quest for optimal health and wellbeing, we often look beyond conventional medicine, exploring the realm of natural supplements. This talk delves into three intriguing options: CBD, medicinal mushrooms, and Shilajit, each offering unique benefits for a holistic approach to wellness
Crystals for Confidence
Adele Scott
We all can suffer with our confidence, we’re going to talk about certain crystals which will help with our confidence and anxiety’s from talking our truth to keeping our worry’s at bay, we will also be doing a manifestation with some crystals as well
Align Your Life - Posture Alignment Therapy with Quantum Touch Healing
Vicky @ Sukha Oils
Posture Alignment Therapy is a corrective massage that addresses the muscular imbalances caused by misaligned joints where physical stress has occurred in the body leaving the client tense and imbalanced. The approach considers the entire body rather than just the symptomatic area. Utilising Acupressure and Quantum Touch, a potent energy healing method aligned with life force energy.
Angelic Vortex Healing
Open Lotus Healing
Angelic Vortex Healing is a healing modality that brings Angelic frequencies into your life and your energy body, bringing inspiration, peace, clarity and healing. In this time of great
Angelic realms wish to assist you in your earthly endeavors and Angelic Vortex Healing is just one way you can receive the celestial energies to support you.
Receive a short healing in this demonstration that is just perfect for you.
Connecting to Angels and Spirit Guides
Claire Stone
Did you know that you have a whole team of spiritual guides? In this workshop you will discover the different types of guides and how they can help you in practical ways. You will take part in a beautiful, guided exercise so that you can experience their healing energies directly.
How to Really Escape the Matrix
The Aetherius Society - Bipin Patel
Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of things, and pleasures we experience through the senses. It is an illusion designed to enslave us all. Escaping the matrix is the search for true spiritual freedom: enlightenment
Join other like-minded souls for a mind blowing journey of spiritual awakening to discover the path of King Yoga!
Past Life, Cacao & Sound Bath Experience
4.00pm - £20.00 per person
John Richardson, Congeries of Sound & Amazonite Griffin
Experience a journey into your past with our Past Life Cacao Sound Bath. Let the soothing sounds of the cacao and the vibrations of the sound bath take you on meditative journey to explore your past lives. Join us for a unique transformative experience.